Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 298 - Showdown! Against Ocean Dragons! 4




The entire ocean within Antarctica began to shake, the waves were so strong they began to even throw away the gigantic Ocean Dragons aside!

A bright blue light emerged from beneath the ocean, so bright it began to consume the oceans, everything was shaking!

Suddenly, Noah and Jon noticed what it was, as Noah gritted his teeth and rushed away with immense speed and then used Kin Summon to drag everyone with him!

"Eh?! What\'s going on?!" asked Arthur.

"That\'s… a breath attack!" said Jon in surprise.

"Eh? The light…?!" asked Sakura in horror, as Noah and everyone else managed to escape in time before the immense explosion!



A gigantic breath attack consumed the entire ocean where they were, being several kilometers at once, if this attack were to hit an island such as Hawaii, it would have completely consumed it into nothingness!

The arc of blue light as a beam that crossed through many kilometers, reaching the stratosphere, and slowly dissipating…

When everyone glanced down below again, a giant hole was made in the sea, as the oceans slowly began to fill it with water…

This was… ridiculous!

"Just how big is that thing?!" asked Sugar in shock.

"Haha… Hahahaha! Good! It wouldn\'t be fun otherwise!" laughed Noah, his immense figure dwarfed before whatever fired that breath attack beam!

"Vayu… was Varuna this immense?!" asked Pride to Vayu.

"I… I do remember that he was the biggest one of all of us. After all, the seas are immense and make it so most of the creatures living there also grow into gargantuan sizes… The worst part is that Varuna was still at the peak of mortal hood… I couldn\'t imagine how Dragon Gods of the Outer Seas could look like if he were already so big!" said Vayu in shock.

"T-There were even bigger ones than… this!?" asked Pride.

"According to what I\'ve learned, our original world might have been dozen times bigger than this planet, Pride," said Vayu.

"Ah… Such immense world… and I was still confined in the smallest island?! This is shocking…" said Pride.

Noah smiled monstrously as he showed off his giant sharp fangs.

"Amusing! This shall be a good punching bag, then…" said Noah.

"P-Punching bag?!" asked Vayu and Pride at the same time… if Varus was this mighty, then how mighty Noah was?!

"Noah, it\'s getting there!"

Jon quickly alerted Noah of Varus\'s emergence from the depths of the abyssal oceans, as his gigantic shadows could be seen deep below, surging at fast speeds!


An enormous snout emerged first, accompanied by a gigantic head the size of a mountain, Varus enormous eyes glowed with azure light, glaring directly at Noah with immense might!

"Who dares disturb my sleep?! Otherworldly beings, leave at once before you all perish!" roared Varus, his entire body slowly began to emerge from the seas, it was just like a serpentine ocean dragon, but he had enormous arms as well, big enough to grasp entire cities…

He was truly titanic!

Was he larger than a kilometer? Now, he was several kilometers big!

Before him, Noah and the rest were mere ants!

Yet Varus was able to clearly see all of them, from above, he was like a god overlooking the entire world, the entire creation. With almighty might, the almighty might of the oceans!

Just how big was the world of Dragons?!

"I am sorry, Varus. But we are here to take you down," said Noah, defiantly confronting the giant dragon!

"Oh? Bold little ant… Perish then!"

Varus roared so loudly it was heard across hundreds of kilometers, making the world tremble with its shock waves!


Suddenly, his gigantic claws reached towards Noah and the rest with fast speed, they were immense, but moved at a speed that shouldn\'t belong to such a big body!

Noah, however, was faster!



The giant claw clashed against the oceans, splashing the seas away as Noah flew away and teleported everyone through Kin Summon once more.

"Now, all of you, as we practiced before!" said Noah, as his entire body began to shapeshift, fusing with his soul and opening large holes, where everyone flew inside. Each grotesque hole closed quickly after, as Noah continued to expand his size as if it had no limits!

Varus noticed this, as Noah had somehow "swallowed" the entire army of blood servants and the other tiny ants with him.

"Whatever you\'re planning to do is useless, prepare to die!" roared Varus, as he generated hundreds of magic circles the size of buildings, firing a rain of icicle spears, each one being 30-meter-tall!


Noah\'s entire soul quickly connected with all those that had entered his body and even his divine realm\'s people, as his entire body exploded into a mass of red flesh and scales, bones, eyes, and jaws, and suddenly disappearing from the range of Varus\' attacks!


"Eh? Teleportation?"


All of the attacks reached the sea began to explode over the sea, freezing over the sea and forming large frozen lands by his mere magic!

However, his target, Noah, had disappeared!

How?! He had not gone inside his divine realm or anything!

However, Varus realized too late that Noah had emerged right behind him, as a mass of flesh and jumping over his back!



Noah had used his clones, which he spread over the skies all around,  and commanded them to use Kin Summon, effectively being able to teleport to an extent! However, the space that Varus used was way too big, so his clones wouldn\'t be able to reach the areas he wanted to teleport into in time… Thankfully, there was a flesh clone in the shape of a bat right above Varus, who had been overlooking things out, and teleported him out of danger in time!


Varus roared angrily as Noah began to laugh maliciously, his flesh started to entangle his arms and crush his scales with thousands of razor-sharp fangs!

And then, an enormous sword started to fly around Varus, rushing through his body and slicing his flesh slowly!



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