His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 123 - Don't Make Me Miss You

The next morning was always awkward…

Tiana had been awake for twenty minutes now, but she didn\'t want to open her eyes.

She could still feel his arms around her, and his breath fanning her face; and she was well aware that they were stark naked beneath the sheets and his member was poking against her tummy.

Her mind went over the events of the previous night, her face reddening as she remembered what she had done.

Did she really take off her clothes herself?

Now she thought about it, that was top tier shamelessness! She never thought she could be able to take off her clothes for a man! Was she that man deprived?

Her thoughts were cut short when she felt Nicklaus kiss her lips;

\'\'Beautiful, you can wake up now; I know you\'re not sleeping. \'\'

He whispered in her ear before nibbling on it with his tongue; Tiana held back a moan, shyness washing through her; she couldn\'t bear to open her eyes after the rigorous night they just had.

Even with her eyes closed, she could see the smirk on his lips.

Nicklaus seeing that she would not open her eyes stepped out of the bed. Tiana heard his feet walk away and after some seconds, she heard a door open and close, and her eyes fluttered open.

He went to the bathroom…

Did he go to take a shower? She should seize this opportunity and run to her room!

With that thought, Tiana sat up quickly, but when her eyes fell on her breasts, she yelped. Nicklaus had marked her breasts with several hickeys which stood out. A thought came into her mind and she pushed the sheets aside;

Just as she had thought, her body had hickeys on every side.

He wasn\'t rough with her, but he knew how to use his teeth quite well.

Tiana blushed as she ran her hand through her hair.

She was still lost in thought when she heard the bathroom door creak open, and with a flash, she flew back to her position on the bed and shut her eyes, her heart slamming against her chest.

She heard his footsteps approach her, and his side of the bed deepen. She gulped when his hand pushed some strands of her hair off her face and he leaned in and pecked her all over the face.

\'\'Are you still going to pretend to be asleep? You don\'t have to be so shy, you know? \'\'

Nicklaus whispered against her ear, but she didn\'t budge; he stared at her for a second and without warning, he picked her up from the bed, carrying her bridal style to the bathroom. Tiana squealed and her stubborn eyes opened instantly;

\'\'BABY! \'\' She shrieked as she tried to bury her face in his chest; her hands clasping around his neck;

Nicklaus chuckled as he watched her act shy;

\'\'I don\'t know why you\'re so shy, when I\'ve already seen everything. \'\'

Tiana smacked his chest at his statement and he laughed before dropping her inside the bath he had prepared;

Tiana\'s cheeks flushed when she realized that he had gone in earlier to prepare a bath for the both of them; she watched him sit down in front of her in the large bath tub, the heat from the lathered water tanning his skin a little;

\'\'Ouch! \'\' Nicklaus exclaimed as he sat in the water; Tiana\'s brows creased;

\'\'What is it? \'\' He smiled; \'\' Let me see your hand?\'\'

Tiana creased her brows, but she gave him her hand, anyway;

\'\'I thought as much, my back hurts like hell! \'\'

He exclaimed and Tiana burst out laughing, understanding what he meant;

\'\'I\'m sorry, does it hurt that much? \'\'

Nicklaus nodded; \'\'were you practicing kung fu on my back? \'\'

 Tiana\'s laugh echoed in the bathroom;

\'\'So sorry, what do I do to ease the pain? \'\'

She tilted her head as she asked and Nicklaus pouted;

\'\'With all the wounds you\'ve inflicted on my back, I\'m afraid, I won\'t be able to lift my hands; I think you will have to bathe me. \'\'

He replied shamelessly; a grin on his lips;

Tiana laughed at his pettiness, but then she wanted to touch him, so she didn\'t object;

\'\'Okay, baby, I don\'t want you hurting your back. \'\'

She said and leaned closer to him, her hand going behind his neck to take the sponge behind him, and her eyes fixated on his. Nicklaus swallowed as her nipples tickled his chest;

She nestled in between his legs and poured liquid soap on the sponge;

When she was through, she kept the soap and lathered his chest slowly with it. Her eyes still not leaving his;

\'\'don\'t give me that look… \'\'

Nicklaus groaned, his throat tightening; Tiana grinned, she knew exactly what she was doing;

\'\'What look? \'\'

She asked, a though ignorant, her hands still lathering him.

She took the soap and poured a good amount on his hair, then played with it.

Nicklaus hands reached for her breasts and he squeezed; rubbing circles on her nipples.

Tiana moaned lightly, she arched her back as she let him caress her breasts; but suddenly, she stood up from the bath;

Nicklaus brows creased as he watched her;

Tiana was just getting into the mood before she remembered that Nicklaus had a lot to do today, she knew if she didn\'t let him go, he wouldn\'t be able to stop touching her, so as much as she wanted to play all day, they had more pressing issues.

\'\'let\'s shower now, we have a lot to do today, we\'ll continue when we get back, okay? \'\'

She said with a smile and stepped out of the bath, walking into the shower;

Nicklaus sighed reluctantly. He was already turned on and she had just stopped midway, but she was right, a place in his heart warmed knowing that she cared a lot about him.

 Standing up; he let the water drain before going to join her in the shower.

\'\'I will see grandpa today, so just stay home and rest, okay? \'\'

Nicklaus said as they washed themselves off;

Tiana nodded, although she wanted to be with him, she didn\'t want to distract him, since he told her to stay back; she would stay.

\'\'Come home as soon as you\'re done, okay? Don\'t make me miss you much. \'\'

She smiled and Nicklaus kissed her lips.

\'\'I won\'t. \'\'

 {p.s: make sure to read the author\'s note}

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