His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 227 - Bitter Reality

Suddenly Michael\'s phone rang from the counter and since his hands were occupied, Diana brought the phone to him;

\'\'who is it? \'\' He asked, turning to her; \'\' your mom. \'\' She said, as she stretched her hand to him. Her eyes rose to his face and her brows creased when she noticed he looked a little tense. Michael stared at the phone for a second, and he turned to the sink, washing his hands;

\'\'Continue with this; \'\'

He said and took the phone from her walking out of the kitchen. Diana was surprised;

Wasn\'t it just his mom? Was there a need to leave?

She stared at the door for a moment then she turned back to the cooker.

Michael walked away from the kitchen and to the end of the hallway before he picked the call.

\'\'Mom; \'\' his throat tightened as he forced the words through his lips.

\'\'Michael, \'\' her voice was authoritative as usual as though she owned him, there was a long pause on the other side of the phone before Catherine spoke again;

\'\'I\'ll be away for a long while, keep the company in order till I come back, and if there are any pressing issues send me an email, do not call me, understood? \'\'

Michael was surprised by her words, but he knew she wouldn\'t tell him anything even if he asked, so he just nodded;

\'\'Yes, understood. \'\' she paused for a second;

\'\'And I know you\'ve been going out with that girl from the Howells family;\'\'

Michael froze as her words filtered into his ears; he didn\'t know she kept an eye on him to that extent.

\'\'I hope she\'s just one of your numerous flings and there is nothing serious between you two, \'\'

he swallowed and his eyes darkened as he was unable to reply;

\'\'you should know you can\'t have anything to do with her unless you don\'t want her alive anymore.\'\'

Michael fisted his hand by his side, his fingers digging into his palm;

He wanted to ask her why he can���t have anything to do with her, but that was going to tell her that he actually has something more with her, and the last thing he wanted to do was put Diana in danger.

\'\'She\'s just a fling, there is nothing serious. \'\'

He breathed out. It was just a matter of time, and she would not be able to control him anymore. He just needed time;

\'\'better, because you can\'t have any dealings with that family. Alright, I\'ll leave you now. Enjoy your day. \'\'

Michael held the phone against his ear for the longest time before he brought it down, stabling himself, he turned back to the kitchen.

\'\'I\'ve set the table… \'\'

Diana called from the dining when she saw him pass by, Michael turned to the dining with fear in his eyes as he wondered if she overheard their conversation, but she had a smile on her face, and she didn\'t look tensed in any way so he heaved a sigh of relief.

They talked and chatted as they ate and no matter how much he observed her, she didn\'t look annoyed or angry, so he knew she didn\'t hear him.

After breakfast, he rested a little before he finally left.

Diana bade him farewell as she watched him drive out of her compound, after a while, the smile on her lips fell and her eyes flashed with pain.

For a moment, she had been a little ahead of herself. How would someone like him be capable of loving? She was stupid, stupid again.

He just saw her as someone who was vulnerable because of her past, easy to take advantage of, and sincerely she didn\'t blame him. She was indeed vulnerable. If he had made any attempt to touch her, she would have yielded without a second thought.

She didn\'t blame him for anything, the truth is, he never told her he liked her in any way, she had just been overthinking every at of kindness or care. If he had lied to her, then it would be different.

Now, she was back to her senses. Even though she had loved foolishly the first time, she wasn\'t about to be that foolish again. The bitter truth was that not everyone was lucky to find someone they love and loved them back and maybe she was just one of the unlucky persons.

 She wasn\'t going to dream anymore, it was time to face reality.

\'\'Hey, are you the couple that won at the Club 99 yesterday? \'\'

Tiana turned to the direction of the voice and her eyes fell on a woman in her twenties, she was very pretty and had a red hair, there was a man by her side, maybe a husband or boyfriend.

Tiana smiled at her; \'\'yeah, we are, were you there? \'\'

She asked. Today, they spent the whole day indoors, it was by 8 pm they decided to come out and have some fun;

\'\'yeah, we were! This is my boyfriend; we\'re here on a vacation. \'\' She smiled sweetly as her eyes turned to Nicklaus;

\'\'Hi, you both look very good together. \'\'

Nicklaus raised his eyes for the first time, \'\'thank you. \'\'

 \'\'you from the states? \'\'

\'\'Yeah, we\'re on our honeymoon \'\' Tiana replied;

\'\'Oh, that\'s beautiful. I\'ve just visited the United States, just once. We stay in Canada, though I\'m half polish. \'\'

\'\'I see, \'\' Tiana nodded, realizing why she had red hair. Her boyfriend was quiet only talking when asked. Tiana was comfortable with them until the woman left her completely and started to talk to Nicklaus.

At first, Nicklaus replied indifferently, but the lady knew how to pull people into a conversation and suddenly Nicklaus was talking with her.

She was an artist, and Nicklaus draws too, and soon they were engrossed in a conversation.

At first, Tiana wanted to ignore it, but she couldn\'t take it anymore when her husband, who never smiled or laughed with any other woman, was laughing right now with this woman.

She supported her head with her hand as she watched them, her eyes glanced at the woman who was giggling so sweetly and she felt a bitter taste in her throat.

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