Reincarnated with an Analysis system.

Chapter 193 Ultimate Skill Hellfire III

Sato\'s eyes blazed with a fierce intensity as he looked up to the sky, his voice echoing across the battlefield. "Come now...your master beckons you...Hell fire!!!"

The previously cloudy sky suddenly shattered, with the thick cover splitting apart and revealing a scorching, blinding light. 

The radiant beam descended from the heavens, plummeting down with intense speed towards the ground where Sato had Jira trapped in a sleeper hold.

Jira\'s face was contorted with exertion, his body writhing as he struggled to break free from Sato\'s vice-like grip. "Get your hands off!" he roared, his fists pounding relentlessly against Sato\'s ribs.

Despite the barrage of punches, Sato refused to relinquish his hold. He gritted his teeth in agony, his muscles straining with the effort of maintaining the sleeper hold. His eyes were fixed on the sky, a look of fierce determination etched on his face as he awaited the arrival of hell fire.

Divanchi\'s eyes widened with horror as she saw the enormous fireball hurtling towards Sato\'s position. "Master can\'t survive a hit from that, we should go help," she exclaimed, clenching her fist in frustration.

But Yuri, who was surprisingly calm and composed, held up a hand to stop her. Her attention was fixed solely on Sato, who was still struggling against Jira. "Not yet," she said firmly.

"What do you mean, not yet? Can\'t you see the...?" Divanchi protested.

Yuri cut her off. "Divanchi, trust me," she said with unwavering confidence.

Sato\'s grip tightened around Jira\'s neck, his muscles bulging with exertion as he tried to maintain the hold. Sweat dripped down his face as he gritted his teeth, determined to succeed at any cost.

Jira\'s punches were becoming weaker, but Sato knew he couldn\'t let his guard down. Suddenly, the sky split open, and a blazing fireball hurtled towards them.

Sato\'s thoughts raced as the fireball drew closer. He couldn\'t let go of the sleeper hold, but he also couldn\'t take the hit. "I refuse to... lose," he thought fiercely, his arms straining with effort. "I\'ve messed up everything so far, but not this time. I\'m taking you down with me, if it\'s to save my people?..."

He let out a guttural yell, pushing his head back with all his might. Jira\'s body jerked as Sato\'s hold tightened, crushing his windpipe. The ground beneath them cracked and crumbled, and the fireball was almost upon them.

"Then I\'ll gladly sacrifice my life for that!!!" Sato screamed, his voice echoing through the air.

The intense heat from the fire was almost unbearable as it closed in on Sato and Jira. Divanchi and Yuri watched in horror as the flames drew closer and closer, feeling helpless to do anything.

"Yuri…" Divanchi called out, her voice trembling with fear as she watched the impending disaster.

Yuri\'s face was tense with concentration as she watched the scene unfold. "Hold on, not yet," she replied, her tone urgent.

"Yuri!!" Divanchi shouted again, desperation creeping into her voice.

But Yuri remained steadfast, her eyes locked on Sato and Jira.

The light of the fire was already shining on Sato\'s face, indicating how close it already was to hitting him. Sato\'s eyes were closed, a serene smile on his face.

"This is for the best," he whispered, his voice barely audible above the roar of the flames.

As the heat intensified and the fire came closer, Divanchi\'s anxiety grew palpable. "Yuri!" she shouted urgently, her body tense with the need to act.

"Now!" Yuri replied, her voice firm and determined.

Without hesitation, Divanchi, Yuri, and Delta sprang into action, their movements a blur as they launched themselves towards Sato with incredible speed. The sonic boom from their charge reverberated throughout the area, and for a moment it seemed as though they might not make it in time.

With sweat pouring down their faces, the team sprinted towards Sato, their muscles strained as they fought against the rushing wind. 

Suddenly, Ava, the witch of destruction, showed up and sped past the trio, she was the first to reach him, grabbing Sato by the collar and yanking him away from Jira just as the fire hit the ground with an ear-splitting roar. 

As Jira attempted to escape, Yuri\'s voice boomed across the battlefield, "Gravity!" A massive force slammed down upon Jira, pinning him to the ground as the raging flames consumed him. 

The heat was overwhelming, and the team shielded themselves from the intense glare with their arms. The ground shook and rumbled beneath them, threatening to give way. 

Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion that tore through the area, hurling everyone in different directions and reducing the once-beautiful landscape to a smoldering wasteland.

As the explosion subsided, Ava slowly opened her eyes to find herself on the ground, with Sato clutched tightly in her arms. 

She carefully lifted herself off of him, positioning herself on top of his chest to shield him from any lingering debris.

Her intense gaze met him as she took a moment to catch her breath, her heart racing with adrenaline. Sato\'s eyes were still closed, and she leaned in closer to him, checking to make sure he was alright.

The ground beneath them was scorched and shattered, littered with rubble and debris from the blast. But Ava remained focused on Sato, her entire being consumed with the need to protect him at all costs.

Sato\'s eyes flew open in disbelief. "I\'m alive?" he muttered, his expression a mixture of shock and confusion. "That must mean Jira is still..."

He attempted to rise, but Ava swiftly pushed him back to the ground, preventing him from moving. "What are you doing?" Sato protested.

Ava\'s eyes welled up with tears as she shouted, "Idiot!" Her voice trembled with emotion as she gazed down at him.Ava\'s voice was choked with emotion as she gazed down at Sato, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"You\'re barely holding on, and yet you still want to keep fighting, risking your life again and again, just like back then. Why are you so selfish?" Her voice quivered as she spoke, the fear and pain evident in her words. "What if you had died again? Do you know how much that would have hurt us?".

Sato\'s eyes widened as he looked up at Ava, his own tears welling up. He had never thought that she could so emotional, and the sight was both heart-wrenching and overwhelming. "I…I didn\'t think…" he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course, you didn\'t think!" Ava exclaimed, her voice rising in frustration. "You never think about anyone else but yourself! You always put yourself in danger, without any regard for the people who care about you. How could you be so careless?"

Sato\'s head hung low, his shoulders slumped in shame. He knew that Ava was right. He had been reckless, and he had put himself and others in danger because of it. He didn\'t know how to make it up to them, how to make things right.

Without any warning, Sato suddenly burst into laughter, his laughter echoed through the ruined area, mixing with the sound of the raging fire in the background. 

His face was still contorted with pain, but there was something else there, a glint of hope that shone through his tears.

Ava couldn\'t help but be moved by his laughter, despite the situation they were in. She looked at him with tear-filled eyes, her heart aching at the sight of her friend in such a state.

"You really haven\'t changed," She said softly, her voice choked with emotion. "You\'re still the same stubborn, reckless person you always were".

Sato\'s laughter died down, and he looked up at her with a serious expression. "I know I\'m far from perfect," he said. "But still… to avoid losing anyone close to me, I\'ll do what it takes".

Ava nodded, understanding his words. "I know," she said. "But sometimes you have to think about yourself too. You can\'t keep sacrificing yourself like this."

Sato smiled weakly, his eyes closing as he leaned his head back against the ground. "I\'ll try," he said. "But I can\'t promise anything".

Ava sighed, but couldn\'t help but smile back at him. "You\'re hopeless," she said, lending him assistance to his feet.

With Sato\'s arm draped over her shoulder for support, Ava guided him towards the spot where the fiery explosion had occurred.

Their steps were slow and unsteady, as both of them were injured and exhausted from the intense battle. As they approached the site, they could see the devastation that the explosion had wrought, with debris and ash scattered all around.

Ava\'s heart was heavy with worry as they searched for any sign of Jira. She could feel Sato\'s grip on her shoulder tightening with each passing moment. Finally, they spotted a figure lying amidst the rubble, motionless.

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