An Owl's Rise

Chapter 120 120 Learning To Use Magic (2)

Over the next few weeks just as Melisandre said Evelyn experimented with molding her magical energy into different shapes.

She tried numerous different objects and forms along with continuing to practice the basics of simply firing off small shots of her magic energy.

At first, she found it difficult to rapidly change the shape of her magical energy, but as she got more familiar with whatever it was, she was trying to create it got a lot easier for her.

Of course, certain things were just pretty much impossible if they were too intricate, or she did not fully understand how to form them.

\'Nope, stairs are not happening. I cannot think of a reason why I would need them anyway so best to give up and move on.\'

Once she had finished trying out a few more of her outlandish ideas, she practiced the practical things she had come up with before Melisandre arrived.

Today was the day she would be teaching Evelyn how to really use magic.

"I can see that you have been training hard." Melisandre said as she appeared in the room.

Nodding her head and smiling, Evelyn felt quite happy to see her master again.

It had been three weeks since Melisandre had last been home, and this time apart made Evelyn realize how close she had grown to her.

"Now show me what different forms you have become adept at."

Doing as Melisandre asked, Evelyn pulled out her pure magical energy and first formed it into a basic sphere like she had first been taught, and then a needle.

Then she switched to something more complicated and made it into a blade, before switching it into an arrow.

Next, she brought a large amount of her magical energy and formed it into a thick wall in front of her.

Quickly she went through what forms she had been practicing and showed them all to Melisandre.

"Very good. Your imagination and ability to bring it about is impeccable. I say that you have a passing grade from me." Melisandre said, happy to see Evelyn\'s progress.

"Now there is one last thing I need to teach you before we move onto the next step. Focus your magical energy around your head and send it out in a thin strand towards me."

Realizing what Melisandre meant by this, Evelyn started beaming with joy. She was finally learning the technique that would allow her to communicate directly with others.

Turning all her attention to this task Evelyn imagined the thin thread of magical energy like the string that connected two cups and allowed for people to talk from a distance.

Certainly, it was not exactly accurate to what was going on since there were actually no sounds being transmitted this way, but the mental image helped to focus her intent.

Soon enough she had extended the thread of magical energy to Melisandre and made the connection.

"Can you understand me." Evelyn sent through the first connection she had ever made.

"Yes, your intentions are coming through very well. It seems that you have gotten the hang of this part rather easily." Melisandre said in return.

After that Melisandre had her practice keeping the connection up while moving and from father distances.

This was certainly not easy for Evelyn as she often broke the connection or had to make adjustments. But she was slowly getting the hang of it and with more practice would eventually be able to keep it up.

"Okay that is enough of practicing maintaining your connection. While in the Roost you should not have any real need to do it while flying around wildly or using other magics so we can take it little by little to get you better. For now, it is time we work on using your affinities to create magic for you to use."

Welling up with excitement this was the moment that all of Evelyn\'s hard work was leading up to.

She had seen plenty of amazing things in this world and the magic Melisandre used so fluidly was one of the best.

"First, focus on your magical energy and imagine a shape you are confident with in creating." Melisandre said while demonstrating herself making a shield of water in front of herself.

Following her example, Evelyn created the object she had the most experience with an created a needle out of fire.

To her surprise it was extremely easy to do and soon the crimson flames appeared in the shape of a needle at the tip of her left wing.

Melisandre then told her to keep it like that for around a minute as she examined it.

"That will do. Go ahead and fire it off and show me how far you can send it."

With Mallinder\'s approval, she launched the needle made of crimson flames, and it quickly traveled the length of the room before hit the wall.

Where it did the powerful flame began melting through the magical enchantments and warped the small area it impacted.

"I see that your flame is just as impressive as always. To think you would be able to damage that reinforced wall with such a small attack." Melisandre said while shaking her head.

"Well, that was a little lack luster for your first magic so how about you try multiplying it. Say six dozen needles of fire instead of just one."

Gulping at what seemed like a daunting task, Evelyn centered her mind and focused on creating the number of fire needles that Melisandre had instructed her to.

Surprisingly it was not all that difficult to do, and soon she sent of the barrage of fire needles at a steel plate that was set up as a target.

Soon enough it was peppered with the crimson needles and holes formed all through the steel plate.

"Looks like all that practice has paid off. That attack in terms of a comparison to a human spell would be considered a low tier grade three. Or something suitable for a human at beginning stages of the mage rank, which is comparable to a low tier awakened beast. And that is not taking into account the unusual power of you flames which makes it far stronger. Plus, I am sure you can add more needles and send them in a more complicated attack pattern if you focus."

Encouraged by Melisandre, Evelyn tried adding more needles made of fire and found that right now she capped out at one hundred twenty-eight without having to really strain her focus.

Along with the increased number, she tired imagining them not just flying in a straight line but also approaching from different angles and found that she could fire them off in other patterns as long as she ingrained it in her mind first.

"Now that is what I am talking about!" Melisandre said excitedly after Evelyn had unleashed her attack.

The steel plate she had been using as a target now looked like swish cheese from how many attacks she had sent at it, and it was certainly impressive for Evelyn to see how much power her magic had.

"I would say that you have definitely mastered your first magic attack. It is not the most flashy or powerful, but I can tell you that it will be useful, especially if you find yourself under siege from many weaker opponents. Imagine how easily of a time you would have had against the spiders in the forest if you were able to use this magic then."

Thinking back to, Evelyn could see how this would have made it much easier for her. She could have just pelted the swarm of spiders with fire needles from every direction and would not have even needed to worry about taking evasive action like she had.

\'Wind wall.\'

Suddenly being inspired Evelyn this time used her wind magic and conjured the wall she had been practicing with her pure magical energy.

Then she began manipulating it and adjusted her wind so that it would not only block attacks coming towards her but also blow it back the way it came.

"Wow, to think you could use such an application n your first try doing that!" Melisandre said with an impressed expression. "Let us see how well it works though."

Holding up her hand Melisandre conjured a relatively weak flame for herself, but it was still incredibly powerful in terms of what Evelyn could do.

With the flick of her wrist, Melisandre sent the huge ball of fire towards Evelyn\'s wind wall and the two magics began fighting against each other.

However, instead of being blown back, the ball of fire began to spin when it hit the wind wall.

Soon its heat that had been expertly adjusted by Melisandre broke apart Evelyn\'s magic and she was engulfed by flames.

Of course, even while being consumed by fire Evelyn felt nothing but a bit of heat, and when it passed, she was still perfectly fine.

"That is a good power you thought up there, but remember that nothing is absolute. I was able to determine the way your wind was moving and used an appropriate fire attack to disrupt it and negate it. Of course, I could only do so because of how much more magical energy and experience I have, but just make sure to stay on guard." Melisandre warned.

Evelyn agreed to do so taking her master\'s words to heart and began shaping her magic into different forms and using them like human spell.

Except she did not have to make hand motions or say any incantations and was able to create phenomenon simply by imagining and practicing it.

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