The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 216 - Undead Raid

Sometime back when Danzel discovered the Sashia village.

Jumping off Skull Claw, he pierced his sword in the sand and wrapped the crystal, Nersan´ran´s vessel in a cloth and hang it on his sword hilt.

Sitting on the sand, Danzel brought out one of the few books that he had and started writing.

"What are you doing...?" Nersan´rah asked, confused by Danzel\'s actions.

"Isn´t it obvious? I am writing." Danzel answered without giving the crystal which Nersan´rah in a second look.

"I can already see that, I am asking as to why now when our destination is just right in front of us."

Closing the book, Danzel stared at the crystal.

"For a mere rock, you sure talk a lot don´t you?"


After an awkward silence between those two, Danzel placed the book beside him.

"Sigh...Look Nersan, they-"

"It´s Nersan´rah..."

"Right...Nersan´rah. There is no reason to rush the whole thing. From this far away I could already count more than 20 people there. With a place this big, it should at least be double that amount. Against such numbers, we might as well use one of our traits as an undead." Danzel said in a bored-like tone.

"What are you talking about?" Nersan´rah was of course confused by Danzel´s answer.

"I am talking about our night vision. While the living relies on light to see things around them, we undead do not. As of that, we might as well wait until the sun goes down. I don´t need to explain the reason as of why right?"

"I see...attacking with the help of the night. Simple yet effective. I wouldn´t have expected this from someone who collapsed a whole damn tower..."

"I thought you weren´t holding a grudge for it." Danzel said, receiving only silence in response.

Looking at Skull Claw who was still standing, he send out a command.

`Lay down for the time being.´

Following his command, Skull Claw went ahead and seated so that his belly was for Danzel to rest his back at similar to a billow.

Resting his back subconsciously on Skull Claw\'s belly, Danzel looked in the clear sky.

"You could say I have some...experience in raiding a village similar this size. Back then I simply rushed without much of a plan the moment I learned that my enemies were weaker than me."

"At first it went well, but before I knew I was surrounded and was forced to fend off against multiple people. Even though I was much weaker back then, against those people, I was the stronger one. Since if I weren´t I wouldn´t have been here in the first place."

"Back then I let someone escape. Whether it was on purpose or not, I should have killed him to prevent information from spreading. I regret not doing so. Though in the end, I killed everyone, since I was stronger. It could have gone better"

Looking back at the vessel of Nersan´rah, Danzel spoke with a cold tone.

"But let me ask you now, if I weren´t stronger back then if there were someone far more powerful or numbers that even I could not handle, what would had happen?" 

"So what you are trying to say is that you want to maximize your chance against that potential more powerful enemy?" Nersan´rah said, somewhat impressed.

"No, you are wrong." Danzel mercilessly denied his claim.

"Huh? What did you mean then."

Grinning behind his helm, Danzel pointed at him and then at himself.

"It isn´t my chances but rather our chances, as you are going to help me."



As the awkward silence resurfaced, Danzel picked back his book and started writing.

"...What are you writing?" Nersan´rah asked in a solemn tone.

"I am writing down notes about that Devil and all other stuff that I got to learn in the desert."




And like that, the night came soon to replace the sun.


Closing the book and putting it back into his storage ring, he started up.

"It\'s time"

Drawing his sword out of the sand into his sheath, he glanced at the cloth that had the crystal.

"It\'s been long enough..." Nersan\'rah mumbled from his crystal vessel.

"Hmm? Not satisfied in being a mere rock?" Danzel said as he made Skull Claw stand up.

"...why aren\'t you trying to become an immobile crystal?" Nersan\'rah replied, annoyed by Danzel\'s attitude.

"Right, sorry." 

Moving on top of the hill riding Skull Claw, the sight of torches starting to lighten the village was to see.

"Before we head, do you have any preference in the type of body that you want?" 

"...if a body catches my interest then I will notify you." Nersan\'rah said with a cold voice.

"Sure...but don\'t forget that if you don\'t tell me early enough, the body that you want to replace your crystal vessel with might be killed by me." Danzel said with a similar cold voice.

"I know"

Making sure that they were on the same page, Danzel raised Nersan\'rah\'s crystal high up.

"Now do your part, Magic Caster Nersan\'rah" Danzel said.

Without replying to Danzel, the vessel of Nersan\'rah that was his crystal started to shine in a dark golden light.

"[Deserts Wrath]" Nersan\'rah whispered his cast through the end.

The next moment, as if a strong wind started to move forward.

The sand from the ground rose up and flew towards the village of the living in the form of a sandstorm.

"Good." Nodding satisfied, Danzel was about to draw his sword out of his sheath when she saw some sand coming together to concentrate.

"This is..."

Staring before him, the sand before him started to turn into that of metal, forming a very large and intimidating type of voulge that had skulls carved in the blade.

Compared to the other voulges, not only was it a half longer than those wraiths had used, but the blade itself was a whole meter big.

"Use that, your sword wouldn\'t be much of a use on top of that sand walker." Nersan\'rah said.

"Thanks?" Reaching out to grasp the floating voulge confused, the moment he grabbed it he imminently felt the weight of this thing.

\'To think that such a heavy weapon can float in the air...\' Danzel though secretly amazed by Nersan\'rah magic.

He very much doubted that his mana hands could lift this beast.

But for him, himself, carrying such a thing was a piece of cake.

Swinging the voulge a few times with only one hand, Danzel rested it on his shoulders.

\'Skull Claw, move forwards at top speed.\' Daniel sends out an internal command on Skull Claw.

Following his pieces order, Skull Claw dashed inside the sandstorm towards the village.


The villagers who were working late in the outskirts of the village were the first to notice the sudden appearance of the sandstorm.

"Ugh! Did a sandstorm really have to appear in the middle of the night?" One man complained about who was gathering his stuff in his bag.

The man knew that if he were to leave his stuff behind, by the time the sandstorm ends, his stuff would be by long go.

"Matt! Move you a*s already, the sandstorm is coming closer!" One of his colleagues called out.

"I know dammit!" Matt cursed as he picked his bag.

Looking back at the building that they were about to finish and then back on the sandstorm, Matt couldn\'t help but feel annoyed by the fact that a bunch of material will be swept away and potentially harm the building.

The building although unfinished was built with the idea of withstanding sandstorm, but the raw resources needed to finish the building were laying down near the house.

With no time to gather the resources, they were forced to leave them at the mercy of the sandstorm.

"Accursed sandstorm! If you had a body that I could beat up, I would already beat you countless times!"

Turning around he cursed at the sandstorm once more.

But before he could a very his eyes, he saw a large shadow in the middle of the sandstorm thanks to the torches who were already in the sandstorm.

\'Huh? What is that shadow?\'

Before he could question it any further, he felt a firm grip on his shoulder.

"Matt! Move you a*s already!" 

"H-Hey, I think a saw something inside the sandstorm." Matt said in a shutter.

"What are you talking about!? There is nothing there! Now come!" His colleague said as he pointed at the sandstorm, nothing there to be seen with the torch that was there already put down.

Looking back at the sandstorm and seeing nothing, Matt considered it as an illusion that came from his current stress.

"Right, let\'s go!" 

Starting to run with his colleague, one of his tools suddenly fell out of his bag.

"Tch, now in all times!"

Bending to pick up his tool from the ground, the moment he raised his head he saw a massive blade coming his way.


Before he could make a sense of what happened, he and his colleague\'s half cleave body was catapulted through the air together with the building that they almost finished today.


The last thing that he saw was how an armored figure riding on top of a massive undead cleaved through the building with ease using a massive voulge that had skulls carvings.

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