The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 334 Mighty Fireball

The [Soul Reaping Wind]\'s left two large cuts on the mutant\'s chest. His bloodshot eyes glanced at the wound and then back at Danzel with enormous killing intent.

In the next moment, a light yellow light surrounded the mutant, closing the wounds on its chest.

Danzel who saw that, looked above to see 5 floating masked magic casters, wielding wooden staffs with two circular silver metals in the end.

"Healing magic..." He mumbled as he alternated his gaze towards the furious mutant.

\'This guy has created a strength that my-\'

Without letting him finish his thoughts, the mutant dashed with tremendous speed toward him.

\'Its speed also looks equal to mine if not a bit higher, If that\'s the case, then...\'

"I will have to start with the hard ones."

Concentrating, the mist that he let out seemed to form into 3 balls of death mana around him.

Without wasting any time, he sent the 3 [Curse of Five Bindings] towards the charging mutant. And as previously shown, it didn\'t bother dodging at all. Letting the curses fall upon his body and reduce his stats by 3.3%. The decay part of the spell was hardly noticeable.

Though Danzel wasn\'t relying on this spell to do actual damage.

"Let me see your strength now." Danzel said as he charged with both [Shield Charge] and [Swift Movements].

Once they come close enough, the mutant named M3-AT raised its cleaver sword with both hands and swung it at Danzel.

Danzel in turn raised his shield to block with [Undying Guard] guard active. But before the sword and shield met each other, Danzel activated the rune in his helmet.

The dead man in the rune was instantly waved across everyone in Danzel\'s sight, inflicting the [Fear] status effect.

Further reducing the mutants attributes.

Then the clash came.


Receiving the swing, Danzel\'s feet dug slightly down the ground.

\'Heavy! But~!\'

Using the opportunity of the mutant using both his hand, Danzel thrust his sword, piercing the middle of his throat and then dragging the cursed sword to the right, essentially cutting half of his throat

"Gaaaah!" A beast-like growl came out of the mutant\'s mouth, his eyes bloodshot. Realizing one of his hands, he created a fist bustling with veins before swinging the fist towards the dark mist knight.

Seeing that, Danzel didn\'t panic and activate the mark of [Mortal Reminder].

Creating an image that pierced his heart.

Feeling his heart being penetrated, the mutant head and eyes darted to the side to see another ethereal dark green copy of the dark mist knight without any helmet. Pushing a sword deeper and deeper.

Changing his target, he swung the free hand behind him, hitting the ethereal image of Danzel using the back of his hand. Destroying ethereal image in half, but that wasn\'t the end.

In the next moment, the hand of the ethereal image had its gauntlet disappear and fly to grab the mutant\'s wrist.

Pulling in the other direction, M3-AT was forced to adjust its position, leaving a gap for Danzel to move behind him.

Facing his back, Danzel swung twice his sword, leaving large wounds on his back before stepping back and creating distance.

\'This thing isn\'t that intelligent and doesn\'t seem to know how to fight. Other than its strength and speed being greater than mine, I have the advantage.\'

The magic caster also knew of the current situation is unfavorable for M3-AT. But that would have been if he was alone.

Pointing their staffs at M3-AT, several light yellow lights washed over his body. And the bleeding of his back stopped, while the flesh of M3-AT\'s neck started to regenerate and the bleeding started to weaken per second.

"So annoying." Danzel cursed under his helmet.

Pointing his cursed sword casually at M3-AT, a crimson magic circle appeared on the tip of the sword.

"Let blood flow, [Bleed Verocity]"

The crimson magic circle glowed intensely and in the next moment, a huge amount of blood was pulled and spilled from M3-AT wounds, making the work of the jackas*ses in the air useless.

For the next 3 seconds before the bleeding stopped once more and M3-AT neck fully recovered.

\'So much about of [Siphoning Soul Blade] making healing less effective.\' Danzel complained internally.

Unaware that the magic casters had to use 3 times the amount of mana to heal M3-AT wounds.

"I guess I will have to kill him in one go." Danzel said as he brought out 2 other [Curse of Five Bindings].


Shooting out the two curses, Danzel brought out a spear from his storage ring.

Gripping it with the hand that wore the shield, Danzel pierced the ground and this time waited for M3-AT to come at him.

And once M3-AT came close with the built-up momentum, Danzel started his spell.

"[Wall of Bones]!"

With a wave of death mana escaping from his feet and going through the ground, Danzel was leviathan up high from the appearance of many bones seemingly glued together to form a wall.

M3-AT already built his momentum and crashed through the wall as if it was nothing. Falling in Danzel\'s trap.

Having used the spear to keep himself from losing his footing, Danzel was capable of jumping forward and bending his body in a way that let him swing his sword right on top of M3-AT.

"Give me your head." He said with an ice-cold voice as he swung his cursed sword at his neck.

But the moment his sword started cutting the mutant\'s flesh, a light yellow light appeared in M3-AT\'s body. Making his whole body harder.

Through this sudden change, Danzel failed to take the head of M3-AT, only managing to leave a large cut on the neck.

"Gaaaegghhh!" M3-AT screamed, halting his step and swinging his cleaver sword at Danzel with all his strength.

Danzel being mid-air currently could only push the shield in front of the cleaver sword to save himself.

Though successful, he was sent flying 3 times the force before.

This time though, his being rolled through the ground was stopped by the sudden appearance of a stone wall behind him, making him crash at the wall.

"Huh?" Confused, Danzel looked at the only people capable of magic.

Looking at the 5 masked magic casters and three of them building a magic circle containing a large amount of mana, Danzel knew that he had to get away.

Raising and trying to get away from his position, he was soon halted by the appearance of a golden magic circle under one of his legs, pierced by many needles made out of light.

The needles of light didn\'t seem to damage him the slightest, but they rooted him in place.

"Light magic?" He thought as he tried slashing the needles of light, only for his sword to pass through the needles.




The finished magic circle lightens up in fierce flames before sending 3 huge fireballs with intense heat toward Danzel.

Seeing that, Danzel pushed his shield forward and activated its enchantment.

The eyes of the skull lighten up in dark green light.

"[Stone Wal-]"

The ground rose to create a stone wall, but it was too late.

The 3 balls of intense flames washed over Danzel\'s body, creating a huge explosion.

*Baaaahm! Baaaahm! Baaaahm!

M3-AT in turn collapsed to the ground, but his body still twitched from time to time.

The masked magic caster watched the spot where they cast their fire spell before focusing back at M3-AT.

"The experiment is still alive. Quickly cast light magic. And bring the new of successful experiment back to" Before he could finish his sentence though, something at incredible speed came flying towards him.

Noticing, but unable to react, his head was blown off. Leaving the 4 others frozen in place.

And watching the item that blew their fellow comrade\'s head off falling to the ground, it turned out to be...a large stone.

Turning their heads towards where they cast [Pyroblast], there was the culprit.

Being in a throwing position, the dark mist knight had molten metal fall off his armor and to the ground. Flames still raging on top of his armor.

"-Restoraction]." Danzel mumbled as he stared at the 4 remaining magic casters.

"Still 4 to go..."

Picking his sword that he pierce in the ground, he slowly walked forward, [Armor of Vengeances] eating the flames raging on his armor and storing the accumulated damage in his chest and armor.

The masked magic caster, though shocked, they didn\'t lose their cool.

They quickly went and cast their healing magic on M3-AT. The latter slowly raised up his feet, his gaze always glued to Danzel.

Danzel used once more [Necromatic Restoraction] to restore his body before casting his spells towards the mutant who was slowly rising.

"[Curse of Chaining Fatigue]"

"[Curse of Primordial Decay]"

"[Bleed Verocity]"

Ethereal chains bound the mutants leg, the chains were as if they were being pulled from someone underground, and generally, his body felt much heavier and each action required more energy. Making M3-At grind his teeth.

His body also started to feel a constant pain that started to increase by the second. It was bearable noticeable, but the longer it lasted, the more pain and decay happened in his body.

From the wound of his neck came a large amount of blood before being fully recovered.

And yet M3-AT gaze hasn\'t changed.


Using his hand to push off the ground, the mutant dashed like a beast at Danzel. His killing intent being inordinately high,

But compared to Danzel, it was nothing.

Once M3-AT swung down his cleaver using one hand, a huge amount of killing intent came out of Danzel. But that didn\'t stop his swing.

Danzel blocked the swing just like before, but this time using [Sin of Wrath] to empower himself. But even then, M3-AT strength was greater than his.

Not by much though.

M3-AT who learned from his mistake before used his now free hand to punch at Danzel with his tremendous strength.

Danzel watched all this happening with a cold gaze.

\'Better, but not good enough\' He thought as he drove his cursed sword in the M3-AT loket [1], forcing his punch to stop.

Seeing that happening, M3-AT drew back his cleaver sword to swing once more at the hand that hold the cursed sword.

It learned that the right weapon was to block and the left weapon to attack. An ability that the "others" like him didn\'t have. The ability to learn.

Though even that ability was very flawed.

Danzel put his shield in his storage ring, essentially leaving his left side open. But as the mutant was raising the cleaver sword, he had enough time to act.

With his free hand creating sparks, Danzel grabbed M3-AT face.

"Burn." Danzel said in a cold tone.

And in the next moment, Danzel\'s mighty "fireball" lighten M3-AT face in flames, burning his eyes in the process.

[1]: I mean the other side of the elbow, where doctors usually draw blood from you. I wasn\'t sure how it was called but my best guess is loket.

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