The Ruined Death Knight

Chapter 402 Cursed Warriors Vs Native Warriors

Though their races had some cold resistance in their blood, which allowed them to dress quite lightly even in those frozen lands. The cold mist that lingered around the village reminded them of the cold of the winter storms.

"N-No, we never had a such cold, no less the mist. It\'s the first time that I am seeing something like this happening." Alka said as her harmed armed etched, reminding her shortly of the events that happend in her village.

"I have never seen something like this, what about you Xesan?" Maxxren asked while looking around.

Though the cold mist wasn\'t as thick as to make it impossible to see, it still obstructed their vision.

"Neither have I...which is quite worrying." Xesan answered with a frown on his face.

"The mist isn\'t natural, it\'s magical...but I can\'t sense a spell, it\'s weird." One of the female natives said as she scanned the mist with a frown.

"So the mist is someone doing...maybe another village? The doing of another shaman?"

The female, who was the shaman of their group, shook her head.

"It isn\'t impossible that this is the doing of another village...but the mist isn\'t made by a shaman. As it would require lots of mana to move and keep the spell to do such a thing, but the amount of mana inside the mist is almost none existent..."

The answer from their shaman only worsens Xesan\'s frown.

For a moment he stared at Alka before shaking his head.

"I guess we will have to see for ourselves, everyone prepare and watch your steps! Don\'t go too far away from each other!" As the one holding the frozen relic weapons, naturally, he was their leader.

Entering the village filled with cold mist, except for their footsteps, no sound was being made which brought an eerie feeling to the group.

The preview\'s comment of their Shaman made them feel quite dense and they couldn\'t help but look at the house which could barely be seen.

Soon enough though, an additional sound got mixed with their own, making them more observant warriors to halt their steps.

"What is that sound?"

"Do you guys also hear it?"

"Everyone stop moving! And prepare for battle!" Xesan commanded.

Soon enough everyone got in their fighting stance toward the source of the sound.




"Footsteps?" Maxxren whisper what everyone had in mind.

Having lived in those frozen lands, it was impossible for warriors like them not to recognize the sound of stepping through the snow after living in those frozen lands.

But because of that, they also recognized that the sounds felt a bit off from the usual footstep.

Compared to what they were used to, the sounds of the footsteps were rather light in nature.

And soon enough, the group of natives was able to spot a tall shadow approaching them in front of them.

"Halt! Who goes there!" Xesan yelled towards the approaching shadows from the cold mist.

"I am the Overseer appointed by the supreme creator and master. O living ones." the tall shadows spoke with an ice-cold voice.

And soon enough, it was revealed the identity of the tall shadows.

Wearing the clothes of the village while standing 2 meters tall, was a standing skeleton (Draugr) with an ominous long sword in one of his hands.

And the undead who called himself the Overseer stared at the living with his ethereal dark green, flaring eyes.

"A cursed warrior that can speak?" Xesan mumbled to himself while staring at the undead in front of him.

But what caught others\' attention was that Alka dropped her axe to the ground and fell to her knees, with her good arm holding her mouth.

"N-No way...why are you...?" Alka mumbled with tears starting to flow down her face.

"Hey, girl, what happend?" Maxxren said as he went to his knees near Alka while he stared at their shaman.

Who simply shook her head.

"Is that the cursed warrior that you told us about?" Maxxren asked.

While her face was filled with tears, Alka shook her head.

"N-No, he isn\'t the one. B-But he is...the clothes that he is wearing..."

Although the Overseer was dirty and had been damaged by the troll raid a bit, Alka was still able to recognize the owner of those clothes.

As she herself had made them.

"Thi-I- He was my mate..." Alka finally managed to say, making the others frown as they stared at the Overseer with understanding.

"I see...poor girl." Maxxren as he helped Alka stand up.

Xesan, gazed only briefly at Alka before he focused on the Overseer.

" mentioned something about your creator. Where is he as of now?" Xesan asked while staring at the flaring dark green eyes.

\'I never heard of someone being capable of creating cursed warriors, even less making them intelligent.\' He thought to himself.

"I have not the privilege, knowledge, none the intent to share such information towards the living. My only mission is to guard and present you with the living in front of my master."

Hearing the last bit, many of them frowned.

"And what if we were to refuse?" Xesan asked while looking at Maxxren and the others to prepare.

"That would go against our master\'s will, which is unacceptable." The Overseer said as he raised his free hand towards them.

"Refuse or give in, the end is the same-"

Then, the Overseer closed his hand as if he was crashing something.

"His will shall be fulfilled."

"Bastard! You think that you can take us all out!?" One of the warriors yelled agitated.

"Hey! Stop it!" Xesan yelled back at the agitated warrior.

Although he wouldn\'t have agreed, openly refusing the cursed warriors\' request would make them lose the disadvantage of the other party not knowing their stands.

\'Nonetheless, I also got a bad feeling about his weapon.\' Xesan thought internally as he stared at the long sword with strange letters.

"Daring to refuse the will of the great one..." The Overseer mumbled while his killing intent was being made aware to the others.

"As the Overseer, I will follow through his will and fulfill his will, even if it means killing some of you!" The Overseer said as he raised his runed long sword toward the group.

And the next moment, the rune lightens up in an ominous light blue color. resulting in the trapped cold wind spewing out in an avalanche made out of the cold thick mist toward the native group.

Being concentrated in more of an area, the cold was much strong while the vision of the warriors grew much worse.

"He is responsible for the mist!" The Shaman said to the group.

Though suddenly, from all their surroundings, sounds of wood breaking apart and doors opening were to appear with soon after multiple footsteps closing in.

And before the warriors could make up the situation, a blade soon came into the mist and slashed at his back, making him cry out of pain.


The warrior soon fell to the ground, not knowing what hit him.

An axe also searched to kill Maxxren, but his quick reflex was able to block the axe with his shield while being in front of Alka.


Grinding his teeth, Maxxren looked through the cold mist to see the owner of the axe.

And soon enough he found a skull staring back at him that lighten his eyes in the same flaring dark green color as the so-called Overseer.

"Dammit! It\'s an ambush! There is more than one of those cursed bastards!" Maxxren warned the others.

Though, from the 15 they were, already 3 fell victims to the surprise attack.

"Dammit!" Xesan cursed at the current situation and was about to go and help the others.

But what stopped him from doing so were the running footsteps that came towards him.

And soon enough, a runed long sword was swung towards his head.

Raising both of his small axes he caught the runed long sword.


"You should even have surrendered to the great ones will. Living ones." The Overseer said in his cold voice.

"You cursed bastard...!" Backing up, Xesan swung his axes towards the Overseer, who either dodge or deflected the axe swings.

Xesan though suddenly used his mana to forcefully move faster his hand, managing to land a hit and break 3 rib cases of the Overseer.

But the Overseer wasn\'t outdone.

Though he lacked any active skills, the sword that granted him the title of the Overseer was enough.

Having realized early that he couldn\'t dodge, the sudden hasten attack, he went ahead to land a hit too.

He succeed, albeit his success was a minor cut on Xesan\'s chest.

But that was enough for the Overseer to act.

Once the wound was made, a crimson light came out of the Overseer\'s sword, drawing a large amount of Xesan blood out of his body forcefully before backing back.

"Huh!?" Xesan of course was surprised and confused by the sword stealing so much of his blood with such a minor wound. His short moment of confusion though let the Overseer continue acting.

Circulating the stolen blood on the long sword, the crimson light was soon mixed with a light blue light.

And once the Overseer swung his runed long sword in the air and let the cold mist carry the stolen blood towards Xesan.

Who was assaulted by his own blood and cold mist. Where some blood, unfortunately, ended up on his face.

Seeing his opponent being blinded, the Overseer stepped up and swung his sword.

And managing to land another hit despite Xesan moving back to dodge.

Drawing more blood from him.

If Danzel were to have seen how the Overseer has been using the runes of the sword, he would praise the Draugr.

If one looked from the side, Xesan was clearly at disadvantage and the Draugrs had the number advance while also holding the element of surprise.

It was a matter of time before they fulfilled their master\'s will.

But in the next moment, a green light spread through the warriors with one particular stronger light landing on the wounded Xesan.

Healing his wounds slowly but completely.

At the same time, the situation seemed to stabilize and the native warriors were starting to fare against the undead and their ambush.

The Overseer started at the others before his flaring eyes wanted to a certain person.

The female shaman.

His gaze towards her was shortly interrupted though by Xesan dashing forward.

"I am your opponent!"

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