Titan Rising Online: World Breaker

Chapter 141 141: Nest War VI

Cole was baffled, perhaps out of all the scenario that he had ran through his mind about why the darklings were so adamant in their need to get him, this was the last thing he expected. He was being tormented by the darklings because their boss or what\'s ever the fuck she was to them had a crush on him…. He really was as shocked as it could get. But ultimately there was no way he was getting it on with some energy sucking creature that had skin like a jellyfish and was blue black. In every way possible it just did not make any sort of sense to him so instead he would do and choose that which a lot more sense to him than this….. freakish situation.

"Well…. I choose Violence!" Cole called back at her as he stood to his full height and held his sword with both hands and angled it in her direction, bring his elbows back so that the sword hilt was resting on his shoulder and he bent his legs a bit falling into a stance that was as easy as breathing. His opponent furrowed her eyebrows in annoyance, Cole could almost see the gears turning over and over in her head as she considered what to do with what Cole had just told her. In retrospect t it was obvious she would rather have her cake and eat it, an analogy that till date Cole had absolutely no idea what it meant as it absolutely made no sense in the first place. But never the less, she seemed to make her decision.


Weird undulations began to come up at the base of her throat, that at first Cole saw as weird but at the same time it had made him cautious as he jumped back, giving them a little bit of space as he prepared for an attack from her. And he would have been right in making that decision but ultimately there would have been no use, because as long as Cole kept on listening to those weird undulations he would have been affected by the effects that came next. There were vibrations in the air that Cole couldn\'t see but he could feel. However with the undulations did not get louder, but the vibrations seemed to get even stronger and stronger to the point that Cole started physically feeling it.

And it was getting stronger with each wave of vibrations that went through his body. Soon enough the intensity of it had increased into what one would consider extremely hard slaps, and even then it had only been a few seconds. Cole rushed forwards but somehow he missed a step, and in the second of him falling to the ground, the vibrations grew stronger exponentially into what became an extremely powerful sonic blast.


Cole felt through the air like a kite being blown in the wind, his back smashed into a tree, breaking it to pieces as his body was thrown further backwards smashing into even more stuff before he came to a rough stop, injuries allover his body. He couldn\'t move, Cole was sure that he had broken things in the body that people would never have thought could be broken. He couldn\'t breath as he chocked on his own blood and guts. There was agony in a way that Cole had never though existed or ever through that he could reach, and that was when finally he realized the biggest disadvantage of [Demon Constitution]. He was still alive, he was still very much alive! And it hurt! It all freaking HURTS!

Cole could feel the skill actively trying to heal his already very broken body. For all intents and purposes he should be dead by now, but the resilience and fragility of the human body is very well known, some people can survive injuries like this and be alive for a few moments before true death. Now instead of just going through pain for a few long seconds while his weak yet powerful healing factor would be unable to keep up with his injuries. Instead the skill was keeping him alive, it was now powerful enough to do that and still heal his body at a rate that was visible to the naked eye. But it did absolutely nothing for the pain, and it was maddening.

Cole heard footsteps and looked up, luckily still having a little bit of control over his neck. He saw the darkling woman look down on him with a happy smile. She giggled and walked around his broken form, observing the entire process of Cole\'s healing and muttering during different stages. Cole felt like he was some sort of lab specimen that was being prepared for a surgical experiment, kind of like in the same manner so many frogs had come to very grisly ends in many high school science labs. Never the less what he was faced with was much more worse than a bunch of teenagers learning biology.

"You really can\'t die! I can\'t begin to stress enough just how rare of a specimen you are, I had expected that perhaps all you had was just a very good healing skill and that blasting or delivering a killing blow rather would be enough to completely negate that skill. And I did deliver one of my strongest attacks, I give you props for taking one at full power too. It\'s been a long time since I\'ve come across a creature that can survive that. Though looking at the current state that your in right now, I\'d say that perhaps you didn\'t survive at all. So how about now, are you ready to agree to my proposal, I promise you it would be worth your while."

As she said this, a long green tongue came out of her mouth and gave Cole a long hard lick. Even in the extremely broken state that he was in, every inch of his body shuddered at how her tongue cost on his skin, and what was even worse was that she was still keeping her tongue in contact, licking him as she trailed a path through every injuries part of his body, picky blood or snagging a piece of snapped bone or ripped tissue into her mouth and savoring it, releasing a version of bird and girlish shriek of excitement that made Cole\'s stomach turn with horror. And then suddenly it stopped and all he began hearing was choking sounds. He moved his eyes and saw an arrow sticking out of the darkling woman\'s throat.

There perched on a tree, just like the first time he had met her was Cassandra. Her brother or as Raven had exposed her son Razor was around, flinging clumps after clumps of rolled up leaves that exploded into were toxins and acid that at away at the Darklings that were around. Cassandra dropped down an annoyed look on her face as she smashed her foot into the chest of the darkling woman and the began to unload arrow after arrow into her chest like she was using a real gun rather than the bow and arrow that was in her hand. Cole let out a grown as the last of misaligned spinal cord snapped back into place, sending a jolt of fire to all his limbs as he felt capable of movement again.

"That wouldn\'t be enough to kill her, I\'ve hit her a lot more worse than that and she came back worse for wear, if we\'re to have any way of beating her, we have to go after the core that\'s in the nest. I believe that is what has control and is supplying them energy to move. A hive queen, this darkling woman here is probably just a worker…. A mouth piece for the unnatural!" Cole snarled, shocked at where the knowledge had suddenly come from, but it was great that he finally understood what he was dealing with.

"Id listen to what he says bitch….. he is very right, which begs the question of…. Are you here to steal my man? "Cassandra pause then she shuddered before throwing spit to the side. To be honest, that really hurt Cole\'s self esteem, but the fact that Cassandra did not say anything more or anything at all in regards to the act of disgust she just gave, helped Cole a bit. He wasn\'t sure his heart would take it if she said she didn\'t like him because he was ugly…. In the end it was not as if he gave a fuck.

"I don\'t care about what he says And I\'m definitely not bitch, bitch! I\'m also not here to steal nobody\'s man, least of all when that man is \'Him!\' I\'m just here to make sure you did and that you stay dead….. do you understand me…. You do, Good! Let\'s try and Kill each other. Cole wasn\'t sure but he could tell just as well fell that Cassandra was absolutely pissed of at someone... he could not imagine who could have been so stupid as to cross the woman...

"is it me!?.....Fuck!"

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