Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 539: Mission

539 Mission

"Young Master, we have found the Blackwade Clan. They are supposed to arrive in two hours." Nicole, who was in charge of the Blackwade Clan, reported as she was coming along with the group. For the past few months, she was one of the \'disciples\' the Blackwade Clan recruited for this operation. Although the three people did not have many contacts to avoid suspicion, she was free to move around the three camps, reporting their progress.

"Alright. We have finished our preparation and will torch them in an hour or so." Alex nodded and threw the card back to the Inventory.

He pondered for a moment before saying, "Fabio, Leoz, and Jeanne will destroy a few buildings according to our original plan. Inform me as soon as you have done it, and I will summon you back here."

At first, Alex thought about attacking them first and creating a diversion for the Blackwade Clan, but looking at how prepared they were, he threw that thought out. If he truly made a huge confusion, the disciples might not be ready, but the elders would and might activate the array.

He did not want them to realize that their traps were already neutralized, so he could use it to create a larger confusion in the war.

"The rest of the N squad will infiltrate their ranks and be ready to deploy the barrier."

"Understood." There were six left in the N squad, as Nicole and Ngina were not here. Each of them had at least three array plates from Alex. All those arrays would be connected to a small underground tunnel where Alex planted his Gathering Array. This was the reason why Anya and the others were not in this place.

After checking for one last time, Alex waited around an hour before ordering, "Go!"

They put their mask on, bowed to Alex, and disappeared.

Leoz sneaked inside their training area, where many students practiced their Martial Arts. Although not many people were around after the sect master issued the lockdown, there were still a few hundred people.

For Leoz, this was the perfect place to make a commotion. He looked at Njomo and Noel, who was leading him inside and nodded. "I am going to aim at this place. There are a few Martial Emperors here, but it would not be a problem with my strength since I basically can kill them in a single attack."


"Make sure you leave some behind so they could create more commotion. This allows us to sneak inside them." Njomo said… or at least that was what Leoz heard aside from his barking.

"Sure. I will aim at the Martial Emperors only… and maybe a few Martial Kings." Leoz nodded, released his element and big sword, and leaped toward the training area.

The disciples stared at this new guy with a blank look, thinking someone just wanted to cover his face and practiced. After all, there was no way the enemy would get past with the traps and other things without alarming them.

Unfortunately, that thought cost them their lives as Leoz suddenly raised his sword, gathered all the lightning onto it, and slashed downwards. "Thunder Spirit Slash."

The lightning flew out of his sword, creating a huge Thunder Sword Wave that trampled everything on its way.


No one could react as they were already turned to ashes while the others had yet to react.

Leoz took this chance to cut down a few more before two 3-Star Martial Emperors appeared in front of him, swinging their weapons at him.

He simply smiled, feeling the weak swing before saying, "Haha… You are too weak."

The thunder started sparking on his sword as he shifted his stance and knocked both of these Martial Emperors away.

"Thunder Spirit Slash!"

Another sword wave flew out of the sword, blasting many people on the ground, including the two Martial Emperors.

After releasing two attacks, the disciples started to realize what just happened. A few of them quickly shouted.


"The enemy manages to sneak inside the sect!"

"He kills two 3-Star Martial Emperors earlier."

"He is still alone. We will attack him together until the elders arrive!"

"No, we can\'t kill him!"

Four people, two left and two right, charged at Leoz with their weapons in hand. Leoz blew them away by a simple swing. His sword dropped to the ground, and he raised both of his hands, aiming at his left and right.

Lightning started sparking on his hands before shooting a lightning bolt.

"Thunder Break: Lightning Bolt."


The two lightning balls created huge explosions on both sides as Leoz raised his blade again before saying, "I am enough to handle you guys."

On the other side, Jeanne was in charge of their \'sacred\' palace. Many people were currently having sexual intercourse. From the information, this place is used for cultivation purposes because the array and other arrangements could increase the energy they produced from sexual intercourse.

Jeanne couldn\'t care less about this place, as she slowly walked inside with Noah and Nicky. She took out both of her weapons and stormed inside the palace.

In the entrance sat a middle-aged female, writing a few things on her note.

"Oh, another girl today? You need to take that mask off before you-" It seemed she was in charge of the register of this place. Unfortunately, Jeanne killed her without letting her say any further.

"Trash." Jeanne snorted, swung her short sword again to wipe the blood off, and continued inside.

Many rooms inside, but no sound could be heard.

She looked at the Sound Insulation Array inside the door and turned to Nicky.

"Squeak." Nicky, the flying squirrel, sat on Jeanne\'s shoulder, telling her to cause a huge ruckus and not kill everyone. Basically, she had the same mission as Leoz before retreating. However, Nicky seriously needed to warn her as Jeanne was too focused on the matter a few months ago, so she made Jeanne promise her.

After getting the confirmation from Jeanne, Nicky and Noah disappeared.

Jeanne clenched her swords, kicked the door, and stormed inside, finding two people inside.

"Who are-" Both of them were surprised, but Jeanne quickly sliced their throats, killing them before they could yell. Though, even if they yelled, no one would hear it because of the Sound Insulation Array.

Unlike Leoz, Jeanne\'s mission was easier, considering it was an assassination mission before she needed to cause massive destruction. In that case, she quickly killed many people, leaving barely enough people to create a huge commotion.

The same applied to the Fabio. He came inside a pavilion where they stored Array Plates, pills, and weapons for their disciple. The place was like the Exchange Pavilion of Heavenly Sword Sect.

Although he could not cause a huge commotion here because he was far weaker than Leoz and Jeanne, he asked Nano and Natalie to get inside their warehouse and steal everything inside.

Nano and Natalie complied and disappeared.

One minute later, they came out and gave the space ring to Fabio. At first, Fabio wanted to burn this place, but he had a change of mind at the last second, thinking it would be such a waste just to let those items burn. After all, Alex could exchange them with money in the Blackwade Clan.

Even though it might not be comparable to the items in their treasury, it could at least reach one million Spirit Gems, considering how lucrative this business was to the disciples.

Fabio raised his hands and created a huge fireball outside the pavilion.

Due to the size of the fireball, the disciples around noticed the heat and glowed coming from the fireball. Fabio didn\'t let them close and quickly broke his own fireball into a few flame pillars. Then, the fire pillars wreaked havoc in the pavilion and created many destructions and blazed everywhere.

Although he might not kill anyone in this attack, he created the biggest disturbance in the sect and even profited Alex from it.

It was at this time a bat appeared on his shoulder and said, "You need to go. Two elders are coming our way."

"Understood." Fabio nodded and left according to the escape path he made prior.

The building was on fire, and they could somehow stop the fire not long after, but as one would expect from a place like this, they would inspect their goods first.

When the elders came, they were dumbfounded by the empty warehouse. There was already chaos in the high command, and the sect master was raging inside the meeting hall. They volunteered to check this building as to avoid his anger, but this empty warehouse would certainly end their career.

Unbeknownst to them, a bat was flying around them, and a shadow wolf sank on someone\'s shadow.

The same applied to the training field where Njomo warned Leoz about the incoming elders. Leoz nodded and created a huge explosion with his lightning before disappearing from their sight.

The elders only found dead bodies and injured people inside the area. If not for Alex\'s warning, no one would be alive past this point.

The elders sweatdropped, never expecting an enemy would raid this place. Unfortunately, the sneaky dog, Njomo, and cat, Noel, had come inside their shadow.

Unfortunately, Noah and Nicky had it rough as they needed to convince Jeanne to stop the killing and leave. It was not like she needed to leave immediately, but because she had killed too many. If she killed all of them, Noah and Nicky would have a harder job.

In the end, she gave in and reluctantly left the building after getting threatened by Noah, saying she would report this to Alex. His importance surpassed Jean, so she could only retreat before sending a huge cross Sword Wave to destroy the building.

This time, the elders were stupefied. The building aside, they were completely speechless when they saw how the disciples died.

The males\' pen*ses were cut as Jeanne shoved it to the females\' mouths before beheading them. It was gross, making the elders forget about the anger.

The eagle, Noah, quickly soared to the sky, watching their every movement while flying with the other birds that flew after the destruction. As for Nicky, the flying squirrel, she enjoyed the stay under the tree and waited for the event to unfold.

After getting to a safe distance, Alex resummoned them outside the clan. "How is it?"

"I have incapacitated almost a thousand people." Leoz proudly reported his deed.

"Good, our battle will be easier right now." Alex nodded with a smile before turning to Fabio.

"Young Master, I have managed to loot their warehouse. Although it can\'t be compared to the treasury, it still at least has around one million worth Spirit Gems." Fabio presented the space ring to Alex before ending it with his catchphrase. "I didn\'t do it for you, alright? I just thought it would be beneficial for our group."

"Thank you for thinking like that." Alex had gotten used to this line, so he just took the space ring from his hand before handing it to Anna.

As for Jeanne, she kept glancing left and right, wondering if Alex would be mad. She was too absorbed after killing a few disciples and ended up doing too many masterpieces to show her anger.

Luckily, no one reported about what she did and her problem, so Alex knew nothing about it.

"I have done my part too…" Jeanne said while flinching.

Alex tilted his head in confusion and asked, "Is there something wrong with the mission?"

"No… There is nothing wrong. I have completed the mission." Jeanne quickly corrected herself to avoid Alex\'s suspicion.

"Alright. That\'s good then."

Alex pondered for a moment before saying, "With this, the enemy should have a meeting and gather all their disciples right now. In around fifteen minutes, we will show ourselves and bait them into our trap. The Blackwade Clan should arrive by then according to Nicole\'s words."


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