Top Sexy Girl Group

Chapter 166 - The Final Attack (Part 2)

Chapter 166: Chapter 166: The Final Attack (Part 2)

“What? You can’t do it?”

– Well, no…that’s not…

“Then set up a match.”

– Um...but, Sian.


– Yoshiba is a guy...not to mention, one of the best. He just entered the UCIVA.

“Yeah? So?”

Yeah. So what? It’ll just make it all the more satisfying to knock him down a peg.

– He’s a man!

“You can’t seriously think I’m going to lose?”

– Um, well...

Jinwoo remained silent. He’s only had a brief glimpse of what I can do. Has he forgotten already? This old man…no. Let’s not get angry. He’s still my agency president. No need to lose it.

“Set up a match.”

– Your image...

“It will be good for my image.”

– That’s true.

Jinwoo was quick to admit that. I mean, that’s my image – girl crush. And it’s working. Especially after the whole terrorist incident in Africa. I don’t think he’s ever imagined my popularity would be this big. But, of course, Jinwoo still worries about anything that could potentially ruin that.

“Set up the match for me. I won’t lose, so don’t worry.”

– Let’s think about it. I’ll talk with the other executives.

“Okay, fine.”

– Alright. But you know, you’re talking as if you’re the president.

“Am I?” I teased. How could I be president? I’m just the idol here.

– I guess it’s just me.

“Yes, it is. I’m just the idol here.”

– Alright. I’ll call you back later.


We hung up. I checked the comments again. People were cursing at each other left and right. It hasn’t even been five minutes and already Haruto’s SNS was becoming a hot wall of debate. Yoshiba’s as well. That was the strength of my fandom. Anyways, the fans were so bad that in the end, both Haruto and Yoshiba ended up deleting their accounts, but it didn’t end there. They continued to talk about me online, cursing out comfort women and claiming Dokdo as Japan’s while they were at it.


The next day.

Jinwoo called me to his office.

“Have you read the comments?”


Of course, I have. It only took less than a day for the whole thing to blow up.

“I leaked a piece to the press.”

“I figured.”

There was an article that had been released saying that I was going to have a match with Haruto. People were conflicted about it. Some were telling me to just ignore Haruto, while others were telling me to make her pay. My fans were divided as well. Some were worried and admitted that they would rather not see me fight, while some were telling me to show Haruto what Korea was all about as a representative idol. I don’t know how being an idol and fighting in MMA is related, but whatever.

“So what are you going to do?”

“I said I’d do it.”



“What if you get hurt?”

“I beat Eunsoon too, remember?”

“This is different.”

That’s true. Haruto is on a whole other level from Eunsoon. She was much heavier, for one thing. No wonder the fans were worried.

“I have better reach.”

“You think that’s important? It’s about physical power here.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. And while I did, I picked up a rock that Jinwoo happened to like.



Oh, no. The rock was now broken in half, and Jinwoo gasped.

“Oh my god!!”

I don’t know if it was because he was shocked at my strength or because I had just crushed his precious rock, but there was no denying that he was shocked.

“I don’t know what you mean. How is she more powerful than I am?” I asked with a shrug.


Jinwoo gathered the rock pieces and began to cry.

“Oh come on, you can’t be crying because of a rock. I’ll get you another one.”

“This isn’t something you can just replace…sniff…sniff…”

Now Jinwoo was downright sobbing.

“And why not?”

“This one cost 20 grand…sniff sniff…sob…”


Well, my bad. Who knew a rock could be so expensive? I felt a rush of guilt come over me. This is probably the most expensive mistake I’ve made…oh wait, there were those cars…no. I don’t think even those came up that high.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was that expensive.”


“Come on.”

Since the rock was now cut cleanly in half, couldn’t he just sell them for a billion each? Or maybe not. Since it’s broken…

“Then just take it from my salary.”

“Forget it.”

Jinwoo dropped the pieces and wiped his eyes with his sleeves.

“I’ll get you something better next time.”

Maybe I can get him one from off the side of a cliff. If it’s something that no normal human can get, it would make it pretty valuable, won’t it? Then again, where would that be? That’s how civilization was made, wasn’t it?

“Okay, well, that makes me feel a little better.”


“Let’s talk more about Haruto.”

With that, Jinwoo turned and sat down, but his body kept turning towards the rock. He probably felt like his whole world had just ended. But what kind of rock costs nine figures? Later I found out about a rock in China called the ‘New World’ that costs a whopping 150 billion. It was discovered in the Gobi desert. Well, anyways.

“Let’s set up a match.”

“Are you sure about this?”

“You saw what I’m capable of,” I said, gesturing to the rock. I could see Jinwoo tearing up again.

“Okay, let’s do it. But you have to win, okay?”


“Just don’t break them like you did the rock. You can go to jail if you do that.”

“Yeah, okay.”

Like I’d be crazy to break a human to that degree.


“And what?”

“I want to fight Yoshiba as well.”


Jinwoo looked at like I had grown two heads.

“I want to fight Yoshiba.”

“What the heck is wrong with you? Why do you want to fight with him?” Jinwoo said, almost sounding desperate. Like he was pleading for me to stop.

“Come on. I want to beat him up.”

“Absolutely not!!” Jinwoo objected. Yeah, okay. Yoshiba was the male heavyweight champion. He’s on a whole other level from Haruto. Of course, Jinwoo would object.

“Why not?”

“Do you want to die? He’s a heavyweight champ and one of the best MMA fighters in Japan! He’s entering the UCIVA next year!”

“Is he better than Sunghwan?”

There was Sunghwan Lee, the 8th ranking heavyweight champion who also competed in UCIVA. But that had been nothing.

“I don’t know, but you can’t rank him based on those foreign rankings. He’s better than they are. That’s how good he is.”

“I don’t care.”

“What do you mean you don’t care? Even if you wanted to, they probably won’t agree to it.”


That’s true. The fans are only interested in a match between me and Haruto. They probably can’t even imagine me against Yoshiba. Anyone who did would be the crazy ones. I’m this tiny woman and Yoshiba is a giant man. The organizer would probably be insulted just by the idea.


But look at what he called me…I have to get payback…I can’t just let this go…

“Just let it go, Sian.”


This was extremely frustrating...but wait. Hang on. If I fight with Haruto, then Yoshiba will surely come and watch, right? Then what if I beat Haruto and then challenge Yoshiba to a fight? Then he’ll have to fight me.

“Fine. Then just set up a match with Haruto at least.”

“Okay. I’ll organize it. But…this worries me.”

“Don’t worry.”

“No. My rock,” Jinwoo said, looking at the rock that was broken in half.



Jinwoo told the press about my upcoming match with Haruto and the internet exploded with the news. Of course, there were a lot of fans who were worried about me, but there was one thing that the entire country was agreed on. That was that I needed to make Haruto pay for all the horrible things she said about comfort women and for claiming Dokdo as Japanese. Everyone firmly believed that I could beat her. A wise choice. I had every plan to beat Haruto. One group, in particular, was interested in my potential win and it was the group of people who firmly believed that I was an alien. They were 100% certain that I would win. They were even saying that I should have a match with Yoshiba as well. To think I used to find them so bothersome in the past.

“Hello,” I said. Nayoung had just called me. You know, the youngest daughter of Saman Group. The one who was studying abroad in Japan. Pretty, but no curves.

– Sian!

“Hi, Nayoung~,” I said happily. I suddenly found myself missing her. Her backside is pretty sexy.

– What are you up to right now?

“Thinking of you.”

– Haha. I’m in front of your dorms.


– You’re free, right? Come out!


This girl. She sure is hard to keep up with. But how did she know I was free? Did she ask Jinwoo? I mean, she’s rich, so anything is possible.

– Hurry up~

“Yeah, yeah.”

I hung up and left the dorms. Sure enough, there was a blood-red sports car waiting for me out front.

“Get in, Sian!” I heard Nayoung called out. I opened the passenger door and climbed in. It was rather flashy.

“Where are we going?”

“To get food.”

“Are we going somewhere far?”

“No. Just over there.”

Nayoung pointed at a restaurant about 20 meters away. I just stared at her. If we were just going to go there, then we could’ve just walked. Why get in the car?

“We can just walk there.”

“I have to park the car. It’s too boring to do it by myself.”


She sure is a strange one, this girl. She drove on about another 15 meters and then started to park her car. As she did, she started talking.

“Hey, Sian.”


“I heard about your match with Haruto.”


“Why not Yoshiba?” Nayoung asked, sounding genuinely surprised. She looked almost offended that I left out Yoshiba. Nayoung is one of the few people who knew the full extent of my powers. She’s seen me walk on air after all. As well as break through walls. If anyone thought I could take down Yoshiba, it’d be her.

“They wouldn’t let me know, but if he shows up at the match, I’m going to challenge him.”


“Yep. I want to fight him as well. If I can’t get him at the match, I’ll get him somewhere else.”

Watch me. I wasn’t going to let him off easily.

“Make sure you do. You’ve seen the stuff he said about comfort women. Castrate him.”

“I was just going to make him impotent.”

“Destroy him.”

“Should I yank it off?” I asked with a smirk.

“That’s just cruel.”

“Okay then.”

Just then, Nayoung’s car bumped into the wall.



“You sure have money to waste.”

“I’ll just get it repaired.”

With that, Nayoung reversed the car and drove backward. Once again, she hit the wall, this time with the rear end.


“Rich people sure live differently.”

“Guess I’ll have to get a new car.”

Eventually, we got the car parked. The poor thing looked like it needed an ICU.

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