Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 364 - What a pity

Chapter 364: What a pity

Zuo Qingyun felt that things were not over yet, but the inventory was not enough. The most important thing in doing business was reputation. If it could not be fulfilled, Datong Hui’s reputation would be destroyed. Zuo Qingyun weighed repeatedly and had to use some relationships he didn’t want to use, at least not now.

Zuo Qingyun was right in his expectation. In the afternoon, another wave of cash rush broke out and many people who did not know the truth also came to cash in.

“Shopkeeper, what should I do? The 3 million taels of inventory I just transferred will disappear and the vault will be empty, but there are still many people waiting in line outside. If it doesn’t match, the scene may get out of control ...” Dude rushed to report.

Zuo Qingyun felt bitter in his heart. The 3 million taels he asked from Rong marquis mansion could not support him for half an hour. What should he do? It was too late to mobilize funds from other places.

The immediate crisis was the most sudden and violent storm ever encountered since the opening of Datong Hui. Zuo Qingyun gave a hand to let the man go out to resist and slow down the pace of cash.

As soon as the man left, the black dress person who had been standing on the side with his head hanging down said, “Young master, why don’t you just close the shop?”

Zuo Qingyun looked dignified and shook his head. Now, could you close it?

“What should we do?” His men looked at the young master anxiously.

Zuo Qingyun paced back and forth with his hands behind his back, and paused for a long time. He ordered: “You go to King Yu’s mansion and tell King Yu that the money will be brought back for emergency relief first, and I will find a way to make it up in the next few years.”

Men in black were ordered and step down.

Zuo Qingyun added: “Be careful. I suspect someone is secretly watching our every move.”

After the black dress person left, Zuo Qingyun called another person and told him this in his ear.

The man nodded and retired.

Half an hour later, several wooden boxes of carts arrived in Datong Hui, and the guys were busy carrying the boxes.

Zuo Qingyun, who rarely showed up, came out to speak.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I am the owner of Datong Hui, please listen to me.” Zuo Qingyun was the owner of the No.1 Money Bank in Huai Song, though he was elegant, he also had the status of the leader of the Jiangzuo League, who had made all sides feel intimidated. Once his momentum broke out, his coercion could not be underestimated.

It was only a very quiet word, and with a faint glance, the originally agitated crowd quieted down and everyone looked at the young and mysterious Datong Hui master.

Zuo Qingyun said: “As the No.1 bank in Huai Song, Datong Hui has been paying most attention to the word reputation for many years and has never defaulted on any payment. Moreover, Datong Hui has the highest interest rate among all banks, which is why everyone chose Datong Hui. However, today it is regrettable that many people who do not know the truth and follow suit because of the malicious slander and incitement of some people. I do not blame you. Business matters are originally a matter of peace and wealth.”

“Here, I would like to make a statement. If you must cash in, please stand in line patiently. No matter how much you take, I will not default a penny even if I smash the pot and sell the iron. Of course, this is an exaggeration. I just want you to understand the reputation that Datong Hui has accumulated over the years, and will never lose it today ... If everyone is willing to believe me, believe in Datong Hui and re – deposit the silver in our Datong Hui, I welcome it, and Datong Hui will continue to seek the greatest benefits for everyone.”

Zuo Qingyun said these words, held his fuels toward the crowd, turned smartly and walked steadily into the store.

Some people hesitated.

“I was told that Datong Hui was going to close down and came here to cash it.”

“Me too, I heard that Datong Hui had provoked people who shouldn’t have provoked ...”

“But look at the appearance of the shopkeeper, don’t like to collapse, Datong Hui is the first bank! All the money can be piled up into mountains. You see, so much money has been brought in.”

“I also think it is impossible. Some people said just now that Huifeng Bank wanted to bring down Datong Hui.”

“I think we may really be stunned. I have saved three years. The interest rate is very high. If I take it now, I have saved two years for nothing.”

Zuo Qingyun had been waiting for news, wondering if his plan could succeed.

King Yu’s money was returned only half, and the other half had already been spent, so it meant that most of the boxes were filled with stones.

So, it won’t take long.

“Young master, a few more cars have arrived, also sent from King Yu’s mansion, saying that they want to be with us, and King Yu said that there will be people coming later.” The men came in to report back.

Zuo Qingyun was pleased with this move, King Yu did well, and everyone came to cash it, he came to deliver the money.

“You go out and watch out,” Zuo Qingyun ordered.

A well-dressed middle-aged man outside told his men to open a box in front of everyone. The inside of the box was neatly packed and glistening silver dazzled everyone’s eyes.

The middle-aged man said, “Dude, count quickly. I have something urgent.”

Man said cheerfully, “Sir, wait a moment, and I’ll do it right away.”

The big guy rattled away a dozen boxes of silver.

Some people began to whisper, “When somebody else comes to deposit money, we have to take the money at the expense of interest. It’s not cost – effective. We had better leave.”

After a few people took the lead, everyone’s determination began to wave and went away one after another.

In a few moments, the team shrank a lot.

Zhao Qixuan and Su Yi watched the movement while drinking tea in the nearby teahouse.

“The boy is quite capable, and he even transferred so much silver,” Zhao Qixuan said.

Today, he and Ye Jiayao, as well as the people they launched, had almost taken thousands of taels of silver and hadn’t emptied the bottom of the Datong Hui yet. It was incredible, which bank can have so many inventories? Bank’s income was entirely due to the fact that it was impossible to have such a large amount of money available for circulation by taking customers’ money to generate money, or by investing in business, or by lending high interest rates.

Zhao Qixuan wondered.

Su Yi said at leisure, “Who knows if those boxes contain silver.”

Zhao Qixuan consternation: “You mean, false?”

Su Yi said, “Why did you open the box in front of everyone when you saw that guy who looks rich? It’s too deliberate, isn’t it? However, I have to say that the effect is very good. ”

“What else whispers in the crowd and takes the lead is obviously the guy of Datong Hui.”

“He was also forced to the end and did everything he could,” Su Yi sneered.

“I can confirm that Datong Hui has been emptied by us.”

Zhao Qixuan was also depressed: “Unfortunately, all the money we can get in our hands has been taken. Now, it seems that there is no chance! After all, it is not vegetarian either. ”

Su Yi said, “The result has been very good. Datong Hui has somewhat weakened its vitality in this battle. At least, it cannot give too much support to some people in a short period of time.”

“That’s what I said. Let him go first and wait until I become a wealthy tycoon. I will have fun with him again,” Zhao Qixuan scoffed.

The storm finally subsided.

Zuo Qingyun made an inventory of the losses and was depressed. It was all because the 4 million taels he signed out which made trouble. Ye Jinxuan was too cruel.

Zuo Qingyun was depressed, while King Yu was even more depressed.

His plan and deployment had to be suspended because the crisis at Datong Hui.

The culprit in this incident was the woman he dotes on. King Yu wanted to vomit blood.

He completely broke his love for Lin. Such a stupid woman was not worthy of being his woman, let alone his queen in the future.

Lin had not yet realized how unforgivable she had made a mistake. She was still planning the next step unwillingly and had asked several confidants to secretly discuss countermeasures.

Ye Jiayao didn’t know about the situation until the evening. Although it failed to bring down Datong Hui and discredit it, it was also a heavy blow to Datong Hui.

This matter would not be mentioned for the time being. It would take a long time to come.

It was more important for everyone to live in peace and stability for the New Year.

The court had already issued various bans, such as banning firecrackers on New Year’s Eve, saying that the queen mother was most afraid of fireworks during her lifetime and wanted the queen mother to walk quietly.

For example, guests were not allowed to have big dinners, and even more, a series of entertainment activities such as singing opera were not allowed.

Therefore, the year passed peacefully, the ears were quiet, relatives and friends were less visited, and eating and drinking were not tiring. Everyone regarded the year as a year of recuperation.

Xia Chunyu was promoted to the first-class bodyguard again because of his success in suppressing bandits. You was very happy. After all, this was the honor of her son’s life, but both Ye Jiayao and Chunyu looked very pale.

What rank was not a matter of the emperor’s word.

If he’s happy, he gave you a three-level rise. If he didn’t feel happy, you would fall into dust, rise and fall. You really didn’t have to look so heavy. Family was the most important thing.

During the whole New Year, Xia Chunyu didn’t go out very much. He stayed at home with Ye Jiayao every day to amuse Bao. He had thought that if Yao’s health was not good, he would treat Bao as his daughter. Therefore, his special love for Bao could not even compare with his little nephew.

Of course, he is most concerned about the poison in Ye Jiayao’s body. Although Ye Jiayao was very conscious about drinking medicine or something, she couldn’t take a bath. Dr. Jiang said the higher the water temperature, the better.

Xia Chunyu tried the water temperature himself every time and found it tolerable to let Ye Jiayao into the water.

Could Ye Jiayao’s delicate skin be comparable to Xia Chunyu’s bronze skin and iron bone? Everytime she entered the bath bucket, she liked a crab struggling in boiling water. She was pushed back by Xia Chunyu.

“Hold on, I asked Dr. Jiang personally. The water temperature is required, only five times in half a month. You have insisted twice and three more times is enough.” Xia Chunyu coaxed.

Ye Jiayao broke her face and kept looking for a place to break through. She said piteously, “I’ll be burnt three more times.”

Xia Chunyu looked at her embarrassment and couldn’t help laughing: “I think the more you soak your skin, the better. Be good, endure it again, and it won’t burn for a while.”

“Can’t bear it, I can’t bear it ...” Ye Jiayao cried.

In order to comfort his wife and show the determination of husband and wife to share weal and woe, Xia Chunyu finally had to climb in and do some exercises himself ... well, it was conducive to opening pores and better absorbing medicinal properties.

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